Connect with UsThis website is just one of the many tools the City uses to keep the public updated on City Council action, service updates, news and more. 

In Media Services, we connect people to services, write stories and news releases,  give interviews, broadcast meetings, create and design materials, publish newsletters, post info to social media, produce videos, plan events and more...AND have fun doing it! 

Stay connected with the following tools and resources: 

Do You Have a Community Announcement?

media servicesSubmit requests to share announcements about community events using one or more of the following communication channels:

  • Cable Channel 24 Community Bulletin Board
  • Community Event Calendar on City's Website
  • Electronic Signs

Our Commitment

We want to be your #1 trusted, credible source of relevant and timely news and information. We also want to build pride and awareness in our diverse, friendly, vibrant and thriving community through special events and festivals.